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      GIANT Health event partnership

      GIANT Health event partnership

      We’re proud to announce an important partnership between Health Tech Alliance and GIANT Health. As part of this partnership, we invite members of the Health Tech Alliance to participate in GIANT Health Event 2023! The GIANT Health Event is the UK’s unmissable...
      Parliament & HealthTech Roundtable

      Parliament & HealthTech Roundtable

      Last week, the Health Tech Alliance hosted our second event in our Parliament & HealthTech event series – a Parliamentary roundtable exploring the barriers and route to adoption for robotics assisted surgery. Thank you to our industry sponsors – CMR...
      Government’s Workforce Plan

      Government’s Workforce Plan

      Today, the Government published the Workforce Plan, pledging £2.4 billion in funding over the next five years to expand medical training facilities. The NHS long term plan focuses on doubling places for medical students, nurses, GP trainees for junior doctors and NHS...
      Parliament & HealthTech Reception

      Parliament & HealthTech Reception

      Many thanks to all the attendees at yesterday’s Parliament & HealthTech 2023 Networking Reception in the House of Lords. Special thanks to our chair Dame Barbara Hakin, our host Lord James Bethell, and to our event sponsors Amazon Web Services (AWS), BD, CMR...
      Medical Technology Strategy published

      Medical Technology Strategy published

      Today, the Government published the new Medical Technology Strategy. The strategy will focus on accelerating access to innovative technologies and sets out next steps for ensuring these technologies are accessible throughout the NHS. Our Policy Lead Ellie...