NICE announced its modified publication targets (24 June 2020) for this financial year to include: 4 guideline topics with more to be added to the list in the coming weeks, 8 quality standards, up to 70 technology appraisals and highly specialised technologies guidance and up to 42 interventional procedures, diagnostics and medical technologies guidance.

As members will know, since mid-March NICE has concentrated on producing 21 rapid COVID-19 related guidelines, along with other therapeutically-critical guidance.

When deciding which guidance to publish first, NICE considered “the clinical priority of the topic, its stage of development and original planned publication date, as well as committee availability and staff capacity.”

The first of the guidelines to be published are listed below.


Quality standards:

Guidance related to NICE’s health technology evaluation programmes:

The first guidance to publish will be:

Further guidance will follow, and once confirmed, new expected publication dates will be added to specific topic pages on the NICE website. NICE’s guidance centres and developers will communicate directly with committees and registered stakeholders to notify them of any likely impact on specific guidance topics.