As 2022 is drawing to a close, we wanted to take a moment to look back at the Health Tech Alliance’s year. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank our industry and associate members, as well as everyone who turned up at our events this year.

We have welcomed many new industry members this year, which has allowed us to work even harder for the HealthTech industry. Health policy has been busy and fast-moving and we have worked hard, with the help of our chair Dame Barbara Hakin, to keep our members in the loop. From the Health and Care Act 2022, the MedTech Strategy and NHS Data Plans to the Women’s Health Strategy and Patient Safety, we have met with senior decision makers to ensure our industry’s best interests are accounted for.

Throughout 2022, the Government, NHSE and others have reached out to us to gain industry insight and evidence on issues ranging from digitisation of the NHS, bias in medical devices and managing NHS backlogs. We are immensely proud that with the support of our members, the HTA has been able to position itself as a thought leader in the field.

We hosted six members-only meetings with organisations across the health system, such as NICE – National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, the MedTech Directorate, The AHSN Network, NHS Transformation Directorate and many more. We would like to thank all the organisations and speakers who took the time to foster dialogue with the HealthTech industry by attending these meetings.

This year’s Parliament & HealthTech was more successful than ever. Our flagship conference in May attracted hundreds of key attendees from the sector and included keynote speakers such as Lord Kamall, former Innovation Minister, and Dr Sam Roberts, Chief Executive of NICE. Our two roundtables allowed us to really drill down to decision makers the steps that need to be taken to promote HealthTech adoption within the NHS, so huge thank you to Taiwo Owatemi MP and Chris Green MP for hosting them this year.

In the New Year we are looking forward to continuing our work and welcoming more associate members from the public sector to provide our industry members with better dialogue. We will also continue to support our members to stay up to date and manage new and existing policy and regulatory developments – and focus our events on key issues such as real-world evidence, early product development and cooperation in the sector. Our next meeting will be on the 2nd of February with academic establishments about gathering and presenting evidence, so if you are not a member yet and would like to join, do email us at

Thank you again for everyone who has supported us in the year 2022, and we look forward to working with you in 2023.